Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Green Advertising and You

I've chosen an aspect of sustainability that might not seem proactive, but plays an essential role in "greening" up the planet. Green advertising affects us on an almost daily basis. It changes the way people view environmentalism, and the way we consume. Green advertising agencies, like Green Team, pitch everything from cars and cell phones, to solar energy. Green Team has worked with companies like Jaguar, The Smithsonian Institute, and National Geographic. They are most well known for the promotional work that went into making the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" such a success.

I approach this topic with mixed emotions. On one hand, I think that the only way to create lasting environmental change is to change the public opinion on environmentalism. Green advertising has made phrases like "Carbon Footprint" a part of everyday life. The image of environmentally conscious consumers has also changed to include regular, often young, middle class, people. Think of car ads in the last couple of years. It's easier to think about lessening your impact when you view the process as normal and healthy. On the other hand, I worry that green advertising can also create complacency in the minds of consumers. After all, have you really done all that you can to help the environment just because you've bought a hybrid? Does green advertising provide a release from guilt through consumption? I'm going to try and approach this topic with an open mind, view it from all angles, and try not to draw any conclusions about the lasting effects of green advertising until I finish. If your still a little foggy about what is meant by the phrase "Green Advertising" here's a website with a collection of some entertaining ads. I particularly like the Planet Green spot. http://www.ecohuddle.com/wiki/great-green-advertising

1 comment:

  1. Sounds excellent, I look forward to reading it.

    It's so great to have a team of little researchers do all sorts of work, and then I just get to sit back and read the paper, reaping all the knowledge/benefits.
