Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Environmental Research


This is Hugh Houghes manifesto. Houghes is the Pres. of Green Team Advertising out of New York. They're a well respected advertising group that works exclusively in the field of "Green" Ads. They were the group that helped to market the "Inconvenient Truth" movies, as well as holding contracts with various corporations. I've chosen to include this article because it explains a concept that Houghes has coined "The Awakening Consumer". A very important idea in Green ads.

NY Times

So here's an article from the new york times that describes one companies desire to clean up its public image. This article gives some weight to how powerful certain words are in controlling public image. I'm also interested in seeing more from this business professor that specializes in green marketing, Edwin R. Stafford. I wonder if green advertising has its own class.

FCC Regulations

The practice of intentionally misleading the consumer about a products environmental impact is known as greenwashing. This became such a serious problem that the FTC stepped up and smacked down the evil doers with the pimp hand of consumer protection. These are the guidelines they laid out for marketing products as "green". (By the way, for a hilarious read, check out green marketing on wiki. Read the section on confusion. Someone really needs to edit this dude out, and I'm sure someone will soon enough, but seriously, dude. Shit like that gives wiki a bad rap. "25 years of research done by me"...seriously)

"Six Sins Of Green Washing"

More on green washing. Terra choice may be a little biased in their research, they are an encvironmental advertising agency, but their study is still interesting. They outline in this article the various ways companies greenwash their products. They call it the "Six Sins". A very interesting read.

Finally, I've a couple of interesting peer review articles that I couldn't get to because my computer is being a total tool right now.
