Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Capsaicin and prostate cancer

Capsaicin is the chemical in peppers that make them hot. The concentration of capsaicin is rated on a scale known as the "Scoville Heat Unit" (shu). This determines how hot the pepper is. For example, a bell pepper has a shu of 0, a habanero's shu is 2,000. Most grocery stores will list the scoville on the peppers when you buy them. This helps the more delicate palettes from playing with fire. Now for the amazing bit.

The March, 2006 issue of "Cancer Research" published some incredible findings. High levels of pure Capsaicin killed 80% of prostate cancer growing in lab mice. That is to say the application of Capsaicin caused the cancer to go into a state of apoptosis. The tests were conducted at the Cedars-Sinai medical institute, in collaboration with UCLA. A visiting doctor, Dr. Soren Lehman, described the amount used as the equivalent of feeding a 200 pound man 3 potent habanero peppers (about 3,000 shu each) a week. Certainly not a cure for cancer, but an intriguing step on the road to a cure.

1 comment:

  1. Capsaicin pills the new improved cure for cancer! To learn more please contact your pharmacist.

    Some side effects include: bleeding ulcers, feeling of burning on the rectum.
    Warning! Causes blisters on the epidermis if contact is made.
